Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics won't take an interest in you
ThinkExist.com Quotes
Where the tongue slips, it speaks the truth
"I made it very plain. We will not have an all-volunteer army." - George W. Bush, 10/16/04
(Found at the Second Life forums.)
They blend with your skin...well for most folks anyway
75 years of Band-Aid.
Sounds like fun
World Championship Punkin Chunkin
(Found at the Second Life forums.)
It's so true
On a related note, between Second Life, Katamari Damacy and NASCAR Chase for the Cup 2005 I have not been dedicating my usual effort towards this site. I apologize for this, and, for my three fans, the pre-ordered GTA San Andreas that will ship tomorrow will not improve this situation.
at least everyone has an opponent
Capture all of your opponent's pieces by jumping your pieces over them.
Players Online: 446
I can't find a decent BF:Vietnam server with more than 6 people on it and over 400 folks are playing checkers online.
With Nathan Lane as that angry bald commander guy
Top Gun, the musical.
I am looking for a crotch buddy

It's your scrotum, get the facts.
(Found at the penny arcade forums.)
Double bye-bye!
Surreal Katamari Damacy Comic.
(Found at waxy. All good things come from waxy.)
Oh! I feel it. I feel the cosmos!

I have had this little guy's picture up on this site for several months now, waiting in breathless anticipation for the rumored stateside release of the strangest sounding game. I read it involved rolling a ball around and picking things up with it. The bigger the ball, the more you could pick up. Silly, but I wanted it.
After playing it for three days, I would like to say thank you to namco for being brave enough to release Katamari Damacy to the US. Folks, this is the best $20 you will ever spend. And that includes that hooker you had during basic. A very twisted and wonderful game. Twisted and wonderful for the PS2.
You had better try to get it soon, though. There are reports of it selling out all over the country. There are also reports of girlfriends playing it as well!

If everyone played this, there would be no more wars.
From the Penny Arcade Forums.
i don't need holes through my nipples to be cool.
correlation does not translate into causality
"To say my country, right or wrong, is something no patriot would say except in dire emergency; it is like saying, 'my mother, drunk or sober.'" - G.K. Chesterton