I am unsure why this bothers me so much, but it does. They appear to be going out of their way to assure us that Dubya is okay. "Two Thumbs Up?" "Unbelievable"? How is it unbelievable?
This is all so unrelentlessly positive, I half expect to find out that all that is really left of Our Leader is his nose.
To quote from the article:
...broad smile and a thumbs-up..putting two thumbs in the air...president's health ``unbelievable.'' ...`Feeling good,''...`Tip top.''..``in excellent health and fit for duty,''...``all data suggest that he will remain so for the duration of his presidency.'' ..top 1 percent of men his age..resting heart rate is 44..body fat of 14.5 percent..nerrvous system, heart, lungs and gastrointestinal systems were all pronounced normal...His cholesterol was 177...avid runner...committed to the benefits of exercise..devoted the better part of four days in June to fitness activities...outstanding health..(three small skin lesions....Four more lesions...precancerous actinic kind.) (pretzel) (colon screening)..Dr. Kenneth Cooper,flashed a double thumbs-up. ``Unbelievable,'' he said to reporters waiting outside during the checkup.
*Updated 4/26/2011. Removed no longer existing AP link.
I have found it helpful to do the stretching exercises my physical therapist recommends. Do some core strengthening exercises, such as the ones highlighted at The Mayo Clinic. By keeping your core strong, your back won't put itself in a position to cause that sciatica pain you are having.
"To say my country, right or wrong, is something no patriot would say except in dire emergency; it is like saying, 'my mother, drunk or sober.'" - G.K. Chesterton
You were sick, but now you're well again, and there's work to do.
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"... I was walking home one night and a guy hammering on a roof called me a
paranoid little weirdo... in morse code..."