Two weeks ago, some dickhead on metafilter announced who was voted off american idol before the show even aired on the west coast.
It was an isolated incident by an amateur. I got over it.
Tonight, MSNBC announced the winner right after the show aired on the east coast. The show had not even started yet out here.
What the f*ck is wrong with these people? This isn't news, it is a freaking tv show. You shouldn't be reporting on it in the first place. But, if you are going to report on it, use your head!
I am not gonna watch MSNBC anymore. Period. You messed up my day.
Best Buy messed up my day last year. I spent several thousand dollars a year there (so my credit card tells me). Haven't spent a dime there since. Circuit City got all my business. I guess I just have to learn to watch CNN again. I really don't like Connie and Larry, but I have to stick to my guns on this one.
I have found it helpful to do the stretching exercises my physical therapist recommends. Do some core strengthening exercises, such as the ones highlighted at The Mayo Clinic. By keeping your core strong, your back won't put itself in a position to cause that sciatica pain you are having.
"To say my country, right or wrong, is something no patriot would say except in dire emergency; it is like saying, 'my mother, drunk or sober.'" - G.K. Chesterton
You were sick, but now you're well again, and there's work to do.
I am all hopped up on goofballs. Powered by Blogger Pro!
"... I was walking home one night and a guy hammering on a roof called me a
paranoid little weirdo... in morse code..."