When I started this blog, I really wanted the URL to be http://sciatica.blogspot.com. It was taken by a dead site. The only entry is as follows:
...disillusioned dreamers...
This weblog belongs to Justin and Nina. We don't get to chat as much as we'd like to anymore, so in the spirit of continuing our exchange of the totally fascinating details of our lives, this weblog was created on November 11, 2001.
Nothing else. Needless to say, these people suck and should be killed.
I have a new blogroll on my sidebar that lists dead blogs on blogspot. There are a lot of cool names that have not had posts on them in over a year. If you mouse over the links, I have entered the date of the last update. I am only including blogs that are showing more than one year of non-use.
I encourage all of you with blogrolls on your site to create a new one and put up your own list. Maybe this will encourage blogspot to do some cleanup and free up some good names.
I have found it helpful to do the stretching exercises my physical therapist recommends. Do some core strengthening exercises, such as the ones highlighted at The Mayo Clinic. By keeping your core strong, your back won't put itself in a position to cause that sciatica pain you are having.
"To say my country, right or wrong, is something no patriot would say except in dire emergency; it is like saying, 'my mother, drunk or sober.'" - G.K. Chesterton
You were sick, but now you're well again, and there's work to do.
I am all hopped up on goofballs. Powered by Blogger Pro!
"... I was walking home one night and a guy hammering on a roof called me a
paranoid little weirdo... in morse code..."