Simpsons Did It
Baby Cry Translator
A Spanish inventor, intrigued by his son's incessant crying, has designed a detector that he says will tell harassed parents within 20 seconds if their baby is hungry, bored, tired, stressed or uncomfortable. The device, the size of a calculator and powered by batteries, has five faces on a screen on the back representing the possible reasons why a baby is crying. When the baby cries, it sets off the Why Cry and in 20 seconds the little faces light up.
This is extremely similar to the Simpsons Episode, "Brother, Can You Spare Two Dimes?" In that episode, Homer's brother Herb invents a baby translator.
It measures the pitch, the frequency, and the urgency of a baby's cry,
and then tells whoever's around, in plain English, exactly what the
baby's trying to say! Everything from "Change me" to "Turn off that
damn Raffi record!"
-- Herb explains his baby translator,
"Brother, Can You Spare Two Dimes?"