Over at Ultimate Insult, I saw a link to a site showing Matchbox cars of the 70's. I have always had one car from my childhood that I really wanted to have again. It was my good fortune that the car I desired was made in 1970.
This is the Alfa Carabo.
Further research shows that this was an Alfa Romeo Prototype from 1968. The site is in italian, but the fish says it goes something like this:
"To the end of the years Sixty creative effort Bertone of is focused on the prototypes. The fantasy and the courage of the Turinese Carriage maker touch l'apice, nell'anno 1968, with the Carabo, introduced to the Hall of Paris of October. Realized on motor chassis Romeo 33 centers them dell'Alfa, comes from always considered a test of automotive, rich style of inventiveness and of solutions it originates them. Some its prerogatives contribute to round create to it a fascination halo. To begin from the stiff lines, the facade a lot streamlined that one agrees again to the windshield without continuity solution, and from the game of the taken ones and the vents d'aria. Continuing with unknown l'apertura of the doors - in ahead and towards l'alto (resumption later on on the Countach of production) - until the color, atypical: the cangiante green of a coleopter (carabo, exactly). The study ends on all the world-wide press, not only of field, and the comments unanimously are positi to you. Bertone proposes with the Carabo an audacious prefiguration, but coherent on the plan they works and aesthetic, of the sport car of the future. L'impiego of new materials and unknown constructive techniques more makes of this vehicle-study something regarding the simple exercise of style."
Thank you, internet. You have made an old man very happy.
i don't need holes through my nipples to be cool.
correlation does not translate into causality
"To say my country, right or wrong, is something no patriot would say except in dire emergency; it is like saying, 'my mother, drunk or sober.'" - G.K. Chesterton