I knew the frogs had trouble with the brits, but jeez

Yahoo syndicates news from AFP, the French news agency. The picture and caption above is from the AFP.
"A British hooligan in the streets of Belgium. The typical Briton is polite, witty and phlegmatic, but lacks a certain style and has a dental hygiene issue while having an occasional drinking problem"
How is this not supposed to piss off said hooligan?
Original link at http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story2&u=/041116/photos_wl_uk_afp/041116171813_d3cdvupq_photo0&e=4
If you have spent any amount of time in chat rooms or forums, you have undoubtedly run into the plethora of inane acronyms used by the denizens thereof.
This little flash movie makes fun of them, and uses gratuitous Rammstein (so turn those speakers way up!)
(Found at Second Life forums.)
much better than that curvy michael graves crap
Tiki Head Tissue Box Cover
(Found at cynical-c.)
These just might replace the kitty litter cake
I am so there
Hello Kitty and friends welcome you to the exciting and fantastic Hello Kitty World! This is the first-ever online game platform featuring the all-time-favorite Hello Kitty characters from Sanrio!
Hello Kitty World will allow thousands of players to live and participate in Hello Kitty's magical and cute online world. You will be able to roam the streets of Kitty Kingdom, XO Federation, and Melody-land. Enjoy the beautiful landscape and architecture of Puroland or Badtzcity and participate in numerous puzzles, story lines, or adventures lead by the worldwide community of Hello Kitty World subscribers. You can even have a successful career, open different shops, earn and spend Sanrio Dollars in your bank, buy a house, and trade with other players around the vast game world.
Hello Kitty World
(found at boingboing.net)
You'll put your eye out
BB Guns Injure Thousands Each Year is featured on the front page news block on yahoo right now.
We are electing the leader of the free world today and another "no-shit" study is prominently featured. What the hell is wrong with their editors? Is everything else so fucking peachy that they had run with that startling piece of information?
Oh yeah, if you can, please vote today. If you live in Idaho, Maine, Minnesota, New Hampshire, Wisconsin, or Wyoming you can register and vote today. Remember, if you are in a battleground state, your vote actually counts.
small world
When blogging, you sometimes find like minds and link them, but you usually never meet them. I just found out that a person I know in Second Life named Osprey Therian found my blog and linked to me. Check out her site and see some of the pictures she's taken of recent events in world, including some nice pics of my parrots and some scandalous pics of a male dancer.
i don't need holes through my nipples to be cool.
correlation does not translate into causality
"To say my country, right or wrong, is something no patriot would say except in dire emergency; it is like saying, 'my mother, drunk or sober.'" - G.K. Chesterton