I learned to drive in this one
See more at The Online Home of the Station Wagon.
I want candy
"I have to admit it -- I bought this wrapper recently on eBay. Some guests to the museum had inquired as to whether I had one of these, and I realized it really was a gaffe that I hadn't acquired one back in the 70s. Call it temporary insanity. Thank goodness for eBay, where you can find just about anything you lost or overlooked decades ago. This came at a very reasonable price, too -- about $5.00 including shipping."
the candy wrapper museum
Do not read if you plan on eating soon
"Say what you will about American food, at least we Yanks haven't afflicted the world with calamities like haggis, the Scottish staple made of boiled sheep's stomach, or hakarl, an Icelandic offering of putrid shark. In fact, it's hard to think of a down-home American recipe that would warrant inclusion in The Joy of Cooking a Dog's Ex-Breakfast - the obvious title for a collection of demented dishes like haggis. Unless, that is, you happen to know about the human-hair extract in U.S. baked goods, the crushed-insect residue in many of our foods, and the flavorings made with ... something unimaginable."
Human Hair Waste is used as a source of amino acids. You may recognize some of these from food ingredient labels.
(From the article, Putting the SOY back in SOYLENT GREEN.)
New and Improved!
Our forum has moved! You can now discuss your leg and back pain at sciaticaforum.com.
back when everything was wrapped in bacon
1960's trouser ads
A bacon big boy from Family Indigestion.
Please make a note of it
Telephone Sounds & Recordings, including a collection of recordings that are representative of the late Jane Barbe, known unofficially as "The Telephone Lady". Mrs. Barbe, who died in July 2003, had produced many telephone company intercept recordings, as well as lent her voice for used in automated intercept systems, operator assisted dialing systems, and voice mail systems. This collection is representative of the period from 1973 to 1985.
Fictional Badge Numbers
I did not know this
Two weeks before a 'flying disc' was discovered at Roswell, NM, in 1947, nine bright saucer-like objects flying at "incredible speed" at 10,000 feet altitude were reported here today by Kenneth Arnold, a Boise, Idaho, pilot who said he could not hazard a guess as to what they were.
See you at the fair
Billy Rose's Aquacade (Amphitheatre)
Eleven gaily-colored parachutes operated from the top of a 250-foot tower, enable visitors to experience all the thrills of "bailing out" without hazard or discomfort. Each parachute has a double seat suspended from it.
See more at the Amusement Zone Exhibits page from the most comprehensive 1939 World's Fair site I have ever seen.
APT 88
BUNDY, Al & wife, Peggy
(Married...with Children)
9674 [or 9764] Jeopardy Lane
Chicago, IL The Bundy's live with and their children son, Bud "Budrick" Franklin and daughter, Kelly and a dog named Buck. NOTE: The house seen as the Bundy residence is reportedly located on Castlewood Lane, south of Deerfield Road in the real suburb of Deerfield, Illinois.
What is the address and/or phone number of your favorite TV character?
(image from no maam)
The Philosophy of Jell-O
It is the entry on 5-27 at 16:48:57.
Thank you
things magazine has a complete breakdown of that Men of Metal ad campaign you have probably seen in a lot of popular magazines.
They also have something nice to say about this site as well.
The new Schwinn Stingray bike looks awesome. I was a Huffy man in my youth, but this would have made me switch in no time.
The TV commercials for it are great.
(Found at mookie.)
Those Wacky Canadians
Top Ten Reasons to Live In... BRITISH COLUMBIA 1. Weed 2. Vancouver: 1.5 million people and two bridges 3. The local hero is a pot-smoking snowboarder 4. The local wine doesn't taste like malt vinegar 5. Your $400,000 Vancouver home is 5 hours from downtown 6. A university with a nude beach 7. You can throw a rock and hit three Starbucks locations 8. If a cop pulls you over, just offer them some of your hash 9. There's always some sort of deforestation protest going on 10. Cannabis
From the Canadian Global Supremacy page.
(bad back day, so you get an entry from the archives)
Remember, you pray with that mouth
It's in the Bible
(bad back day, so you get an entry from the archives)
Truly fascinating.
"One of the more unique clubs in Topeka in the early years was the St. Ananias Club. It had its roots in the city room of the old Topeka Daily Commonwealth Building, but eventually moved to a large room in the Stormont Building, 107-109 W. 6th, and remained there until it disbanded.
The Shawnee County Historical Society Bulletin on "The Clubs of Shawnee County, From A to Z" states that the St. Ananias Club, named after the patron saint of liars, was established on July 4, 1776, organized on June 26, 1873, and incorporated on Aug. 10, 1886.
According to the constitution of the club, its purpose was "the cultivation of the members' imaginations and social recreation." According to Chubb, it was mainly for drinking and playing cards.
But it did indeed encourage active imaginations of its members, as the club's constitution also states: "One new and original lie had to be told at each meeting and at the first meeting of each month a new tall tale would be asked for."
Official titles of some of the club's charter members included: Capt. J.B. Johnson, Truth Torturer; Norris L. Gage, Quaint Quibbler; Henry Strong, Racy Romancer; H.P. Dillon, Felicitous Fabricator; and W.L. Gordon, Brilliant Boaster. When a member met someone who told an interesting tall tale, he would reward the storyteller with membership in the club. Honorary memberships were distributed throughout the world.
The only time the club allowed women in the club room were the annual January and June banquets, at which time members could bring their "wives, sweethearts or neighbor's wife." This rule was bent when Mrs. Orville N. McClintock, referred to on the club roster as "John Hodgins," became a member and the club's historian.
The doors to the St. Ananias Club were locked for the first and last time in 1907 when the club disbanded."
From a brilliant article that contains more interesting facts about Topeka than you could possibly imagine.
The photo of the Hotel Jayhawk is from here.
Let it ring for evermore
Telephone Collectors International is an organization of telephone collectors, hobbyists and historians who are helping to preserve the history of the telecommunications industry through the collection of telephones and telephone related material.
take to the rails
Along Your Way -- Facts about stations and scenes on the Santa Fe, 1946.
According to MOUSE HISTORY 101 (A Basic Timeline for Rodents), Amos Mouse invented bifocals and the stove in 1752.
Get your very own copy of Ben and Me.
One hundred suggestions for a better life by the Greatest Mouse Ever
spread the love
Liberal Commie banners
(Found at diepunyhumans.)
Ed read my ruminations about gaming and brought up MAME.
Since I am one of those copyright freaks, I can't partake in MAME. Maybe I will find $3,700 laying around one day so I can buy the Arcade Legends Full Size Game System. 35 vintage games in one nice package.
That is kinda steep. Maybe I should reconsider and just fire up my Dreamcast...
I never knew these existed
Radiolarians are single-celled protistan marine organisms that distinguish themselves with their unique and intricately detailed glass-like exoskeletons.
A general assortment of radiolarians from Forays into "Consumercam" Photomicroscopy.
Learn more at radiolaria.org.
i hate jewel
Gloria Dion wants her money back after being subjected to what she calls the worst Jewel concert ever.
At one point, she asked the audience to yell requests and then told them to "shut the hell up."
Jewel was on stage for about an hour and played only four to five songs. Halfway through the show, Dion said Jewel began to talk about Zoloft and Paxil for about 10 minutes.
Dion said Jewel came out for an encore, but instead of singing one of her hit songs, she yodeled for a minute and then left the stage.
Nicole Dion said the entire experience made her no longer want to be a Jewel fan.
(Found at fark.)
More politics
Fair & Balanced Links about the Election
It's funny. Laugh.
If Eric Idle dies in a small plane crash, his FCC Song may have had something to do with it.
(Found at Skippy.)
You, green sweater; me, chaps and gold thong
14th and E. Burnside. I work at the UNC. I asked to use your bathroom, you said no. If I ask you out, would you do the same thing again?
Read more chance meeting/our eyes met personals.
(Found via a comment by karmaville at metafilter.)
Old School
People are still making games for the Atari 2600.
I don't consider myself a hardcore gamer, but I have had nearly every videogame system from the Bally AstroCade (Thanks, Dad!) to the PS2 (Thanks, wife!). I always have the "Latest minus one" video card in my PC. I just like playing games and when I have the chance, I will be racing Tony Stewart in NT 2004 or hunting Charlie in BattleField: Vietnam.
I have been reading a great little gaming site recently, qWirkGames Lite, and feel I need to recommend it to everyone who is not quite hardcore, but just loves playing games.
Two really interesting posts lately discuss the merits of Tribes2 vs. the recently released UT 2004, and a very well thought out explanation of why you should buy an X-Box over a PS2, including mention of the "Hit-to-Crap" ratio on each box.
You don't always have to go under the knife
A great article detailing a lot of the options to having full blown back surgery.
Impossible Objects.
A polite request
I don't know if it would hurt your pride to admit that you found a link at someone else's site, but I can see that you don't use very many "Found at" links on your blog.
I only ask that you at least add my site to the blogroll/link list on your blog if you take content/pictures/links that you first encountered here if you find you are unable to make a direct attribution.
Thank you.
(If you are in my links list over on the right, this does not apply to you.)
keeping the cheese from escaping
Mozzarella Cheese Sticks
A repeat
A Ball Chair is a "room within a room" with a cozy and calm athmosphere, protecting outside noises and giving a private space for relaxing or having a phonecall. Turning around its own axis on the base the view to the outer space is variable for the user and thus he is not completely excluded from world outside.
I had no idea
Cheerleader Hairpieces
i want one
"The LV Home Kit makes modern design easily attained and affordable. The Kit's detailed plans, instructions and videotape, pre assembled components and materials expedite the on-site construction process while ensuring you get the design you desire. The LV design frames your natural environment like a work of art and the flexibility of the interior configuration allows you to personalize your living space to meet your lifestyle. Whether you are looking for a home away from home or a means of bringing a vacation to your backyard or neighborhood the LV is an elegant solution."
(Found at The Freakshow Daily News.)
Implosion World - if you like see things demolished, this is for you.
(Found at Layer 8.)
Fine Art
Very cool wallpapers, sketches and other artwork by David Lanham.
(Found at fishbucket.)
Can't stop laughing
Having just made it back onto the streets of New Brick City after a long stretch inside, Jimmy Bricketti is sent to Lego City by his old boss, Sonny. But all does not go smoothly upon his arrival in the saturated, orthogonal metropolis of Lego City.
(Found at new links.)
Hey, Mr. Vaseline Man
Man Arrested After Motel Room Is Coated In Vaseline
Police found 14 empty Vaseline containers and numerous pornographic magazines in the room's trash can.
UPDATE: Smoking Gun has the arrest report.
(Original link and follow up found at New Links.)
A trippy audio/video remix of the Sesame Street classic pinball counting song.
Those Wacky Japanese Part 22
Katamaridamacy is a Japanese game that I hope will make it to the US.
The object is to roll a small ball around and make things attach to it until it gets huge. The videos look incredibly wacky.
unelected pinhead
An Ohio manufacturing plant that George W. Bush used last year as a backdrop to show how his economic polciies were working...has shut down.
(Found at fark.)
beats a mcmansion
A Colorado developer has created a subdivision of single-family homes that resemble little factory buildings.
(Found at scrubbles.)
Can't Wait
"Perhaps the most interesting change we've been privy to so far however is news that Carl will now have to eat in order to maintain his physical state. Through dozens of accurately modelled restaurants and other eateries, the criminal wannabe will be able to top up his stamina meter, and actually visibly gain weight. In fact, he can overdo it. Says Houser, "Playing a mission when you're a fat bastard and everyone call you a 'fat bastard' in the game world is an amazing experience." It makes the mission harder, but Carl can always go to the gym to burn it off, and then head back and blow the dissenter's head off with his newfound dual pistols."
From a totally brilliant preview of Grant Theft Auto: San Andreas.
A Nice Project
Welcome to my Pond's Website
I always wanted to do this
"To Whom It May Concern:
I'd like to detail for you a frustrating situation I am having as a customer. It has caused me embarrassment, financial distress, and hunger, in that order. I'm going to give you the oh-so-verbose detail-loaded version, so be forewarned."
Continued at Complaint Letter as Performance Art.
Other ATM links:
Skeptical couple spots ATM scam
"If you see a note on an ATM that says enter your PIN three times, something is wrong."
ATM Debits Account, but Keeps Money.
NEWS tends to spread fast in British villages, especially when the news is that the local bank's ATM is paying out twice the money requested.
Police said a man used stolen ATM card numbers to buy pizzas, chicken wings and soda about three times a day for almost a month.
Stay out of Riverdale!
"Archie comics are probably my favorite comics, but i really dont know why. they suck. they're poorly written, poorly drawn, and have extremely obvious plots. random words are bolded for no apparent reason, and every sentence ends in either an exclamation point, or a question mark!"
As someone with a box of Double Digests in my garage, I cannot say that Archie comics suck. I think they are swell. However, some of the criticism expressed is valid.
Weirdest game ever
Are you ready for some feudal Japanese pinball action/strategy gaming?
Congratulations and Thank You!
Over at Edward Goodwin's site, Incredible, Edible Ed, he is reveling in becoming an "Interet Rockstar" because he is being linked by two of the blogosphere's heavyweights, Accordion Guy and Ross Rader.
Ed has been a longtime supporter of my site by linking to my posts on a pretty regular basis and by classifying me as part of the digiterati. I am very happy that his site is being recognized by some of the big guys.
But Ed has shown himself to be a true mensch by asking them to link to this site.
Thank you for not forgetting one of the little guys on your way to the top.
Volkswagen Beetle by VRBANUS metal art workshop
(Found by an anonymous reader.)
Have airbrush, will travel
The client's original file was re-done. Shadows were re-created and the women's toes were airbrushed to appear straightened and aligned.
See the full image and the other 80+ photos (Hover on the Original Button to see the retouched images - javascript required.)
(Found at thingsmagazine.)
I still dream about this movie, 25 years later
(Found at wacky neighbor.)
I am so there!
In Running With Scissors' POSTAL 2: Apocalypse Weekend, gamers controlling the enigmatic Postal Dude will be sorely tempted to carry on his wicked ways in the weekend that follows on the bloody heels of the five insane, carnage-filled days experienced in POSTAL 2.
Shipping this summer, POSTAL 2: Apocalypse Weekend single-player expansion pack offers over 20 new areas of Paradise to decimate, 10 new missions to execute with extreme prejudice and an array of "cutting edge" weaponry that would make Lorena Bobbitt salivate.
F*ckin A!
Winona Ryder, Robert Downey Jr., Woody Harrelson and Rory Cochran will join Keanu Reeves in A Scanner Darkly, the Warner Independent Pictures movie based on a Philip K. Dick novel, Variety reported. Richard Linklater will direct and wrote the adaptation.
(Also from boingboing.)
Don't cross the streams!
A complete Ghostbusters outfit up for auction.
Read the diary of it's creation.
(Found at boingboing.)
The largest set of board game pictures you have ever seen.
If you are interested, one of the games from that site is available on ShopGoodwill.com.
Fire Rumsfeld
Over at (the now defunct freepie site), she shows a Ted Rall cartoon that intimates that the way the Leader is going to stop prisoner torture in Iraq is to ban cameras from the prison.
Over the top?
Per the Department of Defense, KBR, a Halliburton subsidiary that is in charge of soldiers internet access, has been order to cut off all non-essential internet access for 90 days.
Say I am wearing a tinfoil hat on this one if you'd like, but this is not right. They are keeping these soldiers there way longer that their original tours. Their lifeline back home is the internet. Taking that away to keep more embarrassing photos getting out is just plain mean.
A million six? Jes...
A whole bunch of St. Peter Jokes.
(Inspired by this joke at fishbucket.)
"Rock Star" Ryan Adams has temporarily closed his website out of respect for the end of Friends.
It's the future

"I suppose that part of the allure of some future homes is that they can be built like factory items: mass produced cheaply and with all the compact efficiency of a Swiss army knife. That was certainly the reasoning behind Buckminster Fuller's Dymaxion House. It was meant to be a revolution in the housing industry. Built out of stamped sheet metal, the Dymaxion House sat on a central pillar that contained all of the utility lines. It was designed to heat and cool naturally, had a diesel generator for power, and was light enough to be air lifted anywhere.
It was a commercial failure."
(Found via The Cartoonist.)
The line forms here

Jesus' foot wash stand from the South Portland Art Project.
Be Afraid
(Found at The Last Minute.)
Learn something new every day
This is an apollonian gasket.
(Found at wacky neighbor.)
What the hell is a plinko?
Come on Down! and read a loving tribute to The Price is Right.
And, in case you were wondering, this is plinko.
Video Games are good for you

A 9-year-old boy suffering from leukemia got his wish when he was able to create a video game in which the hero kills cancer cells.
The Greater Bay Area Make-A-Wish Foundation helped make Ben Duskin's wish come true by pairing him with Eric Johnston, a video game designer for LucasArts.
The game features a hero character who kills cancer cells. The hero advances through several levels to battle the disease.
Ben's Wish will be able to be downloaded at the Make-A-Wish Foundation site beginning Friday.
Full article at USA Today.
(Found at Layer 8.)
Shooting Fish in a Barrel
Making fun of the SkyMall Catalog.
utilizing downtime properly
Want to know who is a faux-conservative? Who is the coolest? Ask the Internet.

Lego Church
(Found at cynical-c.)
i don't need holes through my nipples to be cool.
correlation does not translate into causality
"To say my country, right or wrong, is something no patriot would say except in dire emergency; it is like saying, 'my mother, drunk or sober.'" - G.K. Chesterton