Who the hell do you think I am?

The Goddamn Batman
(Found deep in the comments of fark.)
Previously: Law and Order Coloring Book
An Epic Battle (of awesomeness!)

See the complete picture of Bob Barker vs. Super Grover!
(Found via TFD LJ Picture Feed.)
The pants are blowing in the wind
"We decided to free the clothes that I make, some curious people joined in and these are the results"

The clothes are flying!
"It is our goal to continue to make places where people can go and mourn the death of their loved ones."
From Al Qaeda Also Fed Up With Ground Zero Construction Delays - an Onion video report.
Gratuitous use of the F Word

If more people actually put these on their cars, the world would be a much happier place. If you were behind someone with a "Fuck you, you fucking fuck" sticker, wouldn't that just brighten your day? Instead, I am reminded to support the troops and that the hummer ahead of me is "in loving memory" of someone who apparently died at the age of 14. Shit, I didn't need to know that. Now I am all bummed out. Thanks for sharing, you fuck.
A Man, A Plan, An Area Code
Robert Osband presents a Chronology Of Events Surrounding The Establishment Of Area Code 321 or How the Space Coast of Florida got an area code that would make nerds chuckle.
Provoking an emotional response

A short video of a compelling performance piece called Trapped.
See other Sandy Stone Projects.
A something made out of something else
AVR based homemade robotic cat toy
Guy programs doohickey to beat cat about the head with toy at unreasonably high speeds. Can't wait to see how he would program an automated "Dog Dangler".
Light Reading
The List of Canonical Lists
Made possible by a grant from the Exxon Corporation

Public Television showed a lot of neat educational shows during the day back in the 70's and 80's. One of them was Thinkabout. which was designed for "fifth and sixth grade students to understand their learning process in topics as varied as language arts, mathematics, study skills, as well as thinking skills."
This was one show that stuck with me. Unfortunately, it is also a show that the AIT has not released to the public. I would like to watch some of those episodes again.
The intro and end credits are on youtube.
A fascinating article by Henry Walcott called "Ethnographers sans Ethnography" documents the inception of the program and it's goals.
I wonder if there is any programming available today is similar to Thinkabout?

Roz Chast, known for her cartoons in The New Yorker, is interviewed by Steve Martin. After watching the video, read the comments on the drawn site. Some guy named Anus523 has a meltdown that is just a joy to read, especially when you look at the quality of his "art."
And, in case you weren't already aware of it, Roz is an interesting motherfucker.
Damn shame this doesn't come in my size
Want Child Protective Services to drop by your house? Just put your rugrat in one of these fine baby shirts/jumpers from sikworld. This was the safest, least profane one I could find. You have been warned.
Was your house built on a landing strip?
I was looking up info on a very small town in which I used to live and saw there used to be a general aviation facility nearby.
Maybe one of the over 1,300 Abandoned & Little-Known Airfields is near where you grew up.
i don't need holes through my nipples to be cool.
correlation does not translate into causality
"To say my country, right or wrong, is something no patriot would say except in dire emergency; it is like saying, 'my mother, drunk or sober.'" - G.K. Chesterton