Crazy People
Ipod conspires against local man
'Dan Cedarholm, a Web designer in Salem, Mass., insists that his iPod has a predilection for the indie punk band Fugazi. Even though he only has two of the band's albums stored on his "vintage" 5GB device, the band seems to dominate his iPod to a degree wildly disproportionate to the amount of space it occupies on his player's memory, he said.
"It is truly bizarre," said Cedarholm, who no longer likes Fugazi. "Before, it was this hidden gem, and when I heard them I would be like, 'Oh yeah. Fugazi. Cool.'"
Now he hits the Fast Forward button.
Cedarholm has contemplated removing all Fugazi songs from his iPod, but he said he fears that "the baton will get passed" to some other band, like his beloved Pixies, "and God help me if I wind up hating them too."'
Seriously, this is not from the Onion. These people are nuts.
No cake for the impurity
Japanese Cake Erasers
For a more in depth look at this phenomenon, visit Eraser Paradise.
Some enterprising fellow re-edited the original Planet of the Apes movie as if it were a twilight zone episode.
(Found at boingboing.)
Richie Rich was misunderstood!
(Found at waxy.)
Those damn meddling kids
Hardy Boys book cover scans.
"In Cat's Cradle, Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., created a new religion, Bokononism. The holy scripture of Bokononism was the ever-growing "Books of Bokonon", written by Bokonon -- a British Episcopalian Negro from the island of Tobago whose real name was Lionel Boyd Johnson [ 48 ] -- as a way to distract the people of San Lorenzo from their pitiful lives. What is sacred to Bokononists? Not God; just one thing: man. [ 94 ]"
(Found at cynical-c.)
hey hey hey
Like chicken fingers, mozzarella sticks and french fries? Then you'll love the Fat Derrell sandwich.
(Found at mookie.)
order now
Scrubbles reminds us of K-Tel and Skaggs!
Still occasionally funny
"Republicans Outraged By Inaccuracies In Metallica Documentary
WASHINGTON, DC - Republican congressmen lambasted the documentary Metallica: Some Kind Of Monster for its "gross inaccuracies and fabrications" Monday. "[Filmmakers] Joe Berlinger and Bruce Sinofsky are clearly biased," Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert said. "By editing together concert footage from three different mediocre shows, they have given the general public a false impression that Metallica still kicks ass." Hastert added that there is no hard evidence to support the film's argument that the album St. Anger has more thrashing riffs than Kill 'Em All."
From The Onion
From the "Duh" Channel
Parenting experts approve the ultimate weapon
It's OK for parents to play the "because I said so" card, writes Suzanne Perez Tobias from Kansas.
My wife and I do not have children, we have pets. This means the "because I said so" only gets us a blank stare and a request for more food.
When did a parent's authority become so usurped? It seems as though every 12 year old has a phone, tv and a computer with an internet connection and a webcam in their rooms. You can no longer tell a child to be quiet. Ill mannered children run amock in public places, their guardians oblivious to the mayhem caused by their spawn.
"I said so, now do it."
Parents, please say that to your children. The world will be a better place.
rerun from 8/21/02
Shenmue Online
It really is exciting
Welcome to the fascinating and exciting world of collecting errors on United States stamps
more signs
Reading Signs in English from Interesting Things for ESL Students.
polite negativity
Thank you for not
Go back to stealing mascots
I am not a big college football fan, but I know that if you spell out "OU" in the bricks of the new OSU stadium, all sorts of hell will break loose.
(Found at fark.)
A truly mind-blowing demo of what can be done with javascript.
One Man Can Change The World

During one of his infamous "How much is inside?" experiments, Rob Cockerham discovered that lard was labeled with incorrect nutritional information. If there is one food you want labeled correctly, it is lard.
Yes, it is a rerun from 8/12/2003, but today we had a whole lot of new folks show up from twelvestone.com, and I wanted to give them something funny.
Maker's Mark Peach Pork Chops:
4 finely chopped peaches
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup BBQ sauce
1 cup Maker's Mark
Bring this concoction to a boil, and then simmer for about 10-15 minutes to reduce into a sauce. Baste your pork chops in the sauce and turn slowly over a medium grill until done.
Courtesy of the good people at Maker's Mark.
Please visit the forum
We are closing in on 100 members of the sciatica forum. Come on over and take a look around. If you have back or leg pain and have some questions, maybe we can help. And if you feel like helping others, you can do that as well.
Thank you.
do this. don't do that.
Chinese signs
Seem incongruous, but there it is
A goth barbeque.
the enemy within
"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we," Bush said.
(found in a thread at metafilter about something totally different)
where they came from
Turns out that my archive page from the week of 4/6/2003 has been very popular lately on some of the more popular sites, including some I link here. Would it hurt you guys to throw me a bone? Just because you take links from my archives, don't think I don't notice.
See all the great links in their original context.
space babies

Chinese Space Program Posters
"The eagerly awaited blockbuster computer game, Doom 3, has been leaked on the internet.
Copies of the game on file-sharing networks and newsgroups are being downloaded by thousands of people.
The cost to the game's makers, id Software, could run into hundreds of thousands of pounds in lost sales.
The sci-fi horror title has been four years in the making and is due to go on sale in the US on Tuesday and next week in the UK."
Honest gamers have been waiting so long for this game and when the street date was finally announced, we dutifully preordered. Mine will be here this week. I don't understand how this sort of theft can be justified. It's $50. If you have the kind of rig needed to run this game, you can afford $50!
More at the bbc
(Found at waxy.)
another rerun, but good
The Japan Times just published an editorial that talks about a study into how your spouse responds to your back injury affects your level of pain.
The article echoes how I think a lot of us who have a medical condition feel. We are always looking for the latest research into how to "fix" ourselves. On the face of it, this new information would lead me to tell my wife to not be so visibly concerned about my various complaints. But is it just more pap from scientists trying to get their names in the papers?
Meanwhile, I will keep reading the stories, looking for the magic breakthrough that will cure all of my ills with the minimum of effort on my part. And I will keep doing my exercises.
i don't need holes through my nipples to be cool.
correlation does not translate into causality
"To say my country, right or wrong, is something no patriot would say except in dire emergency; it is like saying, 'my mother, drunk or sober.'" - G.K. Chesterton